My work : co-direction & art direction with Superbien
Adidas created the buzz on March 16th 2011 in Marseille with a breathtaking screening in 3D mapping towering over the Old Port at the Pharo Palace.
With that special touch of theirs, SUPERBIEN turned the facade of the Palace into first a soccer field, then a breakdance floor and then a dojo, for a monumental celebration of sports and urban culture. The screening proved to be a first of its kind: a French premiere in 3D mapping, on a 1800 m2 screen, and a first time encounter for sports stars Teddy Riner (judo), Sébastien Bosquet (Handball) and Andrew Albicy (Basketball) joined by the top notch freestylers in soccer, skating , BMX and breakdance.
Agence : FullSIX
Production : WIZZdesign
Expertise technique vidéoprojection : ETC Audiovisuel
Agence : FullSIX
Production : WIZZdesign
Expertise technique vidéoprojection : ETC Audiovisuel